About Us
Working to make Twin Lakes area a Better Place For All of Us

Our Story
It is our passion and goal to preserve and enhance the historical character of Twin Lakes, Lake Creek, and Box Creek valleys in Southern Lake County Colorado.
We actively coordinate with governmental agencies and operations that have projects which will impact the area. Together we help to save our most precious historical structures and landmarks.
Our combined efforts with the community and businesses in the area continue to improve not only our quality of life, but allowing great efforts for education, gaining grants, and purserving one of the most beautiful places in Colorado.
What We Do
save landmarks
Friends of Twin Lakes has worked to save our beloved historic buildings in the Heritage Park and InterLaken ghost resort. And has advocated for better fire protection in the area.
develop friendships & members
Friends of Twin Lakes are always developing new friends and growing our membership to help preserve our historical lands and structures.
Weddings, Reunions, Camping, Movie Club, Yoga Classes, Native Nations Seminars
Wildlife Preservation
Through our continued efforts we are helping to preserve our wildlife areas increasing the natural beauty.
BECOME BEAR AWARE! Visit this web link for more information and details: http://cpw.state.co.us/learn/Pages/LivingwithWildlifeWildBears.aspx or click on this link to view CPW information on Living With Bears-Bearproofing-Bear Deterrents
With Your Help, We are Making Twin Lakes a Better Place
Your help either by donations or volunteering your time guarantees that this beautiful area will remain intact for everyone to come and enjoy the wonders of Colorado. Please help us preserve this fantastic area. Donate or email us anytime at:
Mail: Friends of Twin Lakes at 231 Lang St., Twin Lakes, CO 81251

A Letter from the Board
The Friends of Twin Lakes is a non-profit organization formed to promote improvements in services and amenities available to us, whether we live here permanently, enjoy a vacation home here, are visiting, or just passing through the area. We welcome you to come and enjoy this beautiful area where you can make friends and experience Colorado’s best.
The Board members thank you!